Tuesday, 25 August 2009

2nd week done and so far so good.

Sorry i haven't posted for a while! Been super busy.

My 1st week i lost 3.5 lbs and OH lost 4lbs and this week we both lost 3.5lbs which we are really chuffed about. Need it to keep coming off.

This Sat we are on holiday for 5 days so saving up points but going to "relax" the points a bit so not sure a loss is on the cards next tuesday? Going to the seaside so fish and chips is a must!!

I've been really good at planning meals for the week so need to keep this up, find it's what eeps me and track.

Not been doing much exercise thou so need to try and factor a bit into our routine. Got to dust off the cross trainer!!!!

Hope everyone else has had a good week

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Weight loss simulator

Seen a few other people doing these and wanted to get my own on here. Showing me at my start weight and me at my goal weight of 12 stone.


Well day 3 on WW and i'm feeling good. I'm making sure i plan all my meals for the following week as it helps me stay focused. I need to do this.

I'm off work this week which can be dangerous for me as it means i can pick! But I've made sure i've factored in snacks like WW choc caramel wafer and rice cakes with ham and tomato.

Only slip up today is after baking cupcakes i automatically ate some left over mixture!!! Pointed it at 3 points so lucky i have enough to cover it but such a waste! But yum though :-) Baking can be tough as i run my own cupcake business http://www.jessicascupcakes.com/ and cupcakes are not very point friendly! But when putting together new recipes tasting has to be done, but what i'll do is have a very very small amount and try the rest on other people.

Me and OH did our fat pics last night. See mine below- worst pic ever as not even done my hair or got any make up on! But i felt for the purpose i want it to serve which is to spur me on i wanted it to look as bad as poss. Just enforces the fact i need to lose this weight. For my health as well as my confidence.

I'm also trying positive thinking. I've been reading a book called "Ask and it's Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks and trying to do some of the things mentioned in there. It does seem to be making a difference. It's all based around the law of attraction.

I'm excited about the thought of being able to go in any shop i like and buy some really nice outfits. Long way off i know but if i keep visualising it, it makes me more motivated.

Sunday, 9 August 2009


This is my first entry and also the last day I intend to put on weight.

Tomorrow I am starting the Weight Watchers plan and i'm really motivated as i've got to do this.

I've struggled with my weight all of my adult life and i'm fed up of not being able to choose clothes from any shop, getting sweaty when walking too far, getting tired walking up stairs in my office. I'm just fed up of being fat!

So i'm making a choice to change my habits. Now i've tried all kinds of diets and have been dieting since i was 16- and guess what i'm still fat! I've done weight watchers before and lost weight so i know it works, but i forget to do the stick at it part! Hence back to square one and then some!

My WI day is going to be a Tuesday and i'm doing Weight Watchers online as it fits in with my lifestyle easier.

I have planned our weeks food but not Fri-Sun as we are on holiday and i intend to enjoy it still, however i will still track what i'm putting in my mouth.

I'm doing this with my partner as he has also put on weight so hopefully with us supporting each other we can keep on track.

I will be posting pictures regulary to hopefully "see" my weight loss. We will be taking our 1st pictures later.

So for now caio xx