Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Slim Fast day 3

Hi guys, I posted a few days ago that i'm going onto slim fast for a week or maybe 2. It's not something i'd normally consider as I'm more about eating healthy food but due to eating so much on holiday I want to let my stomach get used to eating smaller portions again. We'll see how it goes. Day 3 and not so bad. Obviously i'm not going to post my breakfast and lunch pics as it's slimfast- nothing interesting. But will mention some of the snacks and dinners.

I had an awesome salad form Marks @ Spencer on Sunday. Defo buying that again.

Monday snacks included: apple, 2 ryvita with hummus. Dinner was chicken and veg stirfry

Tuesday snacks included: 2 ryvita with hummus and a small piece of chocolate brownie (not healthy but I made them so had to try :-0) Dinner was spaghetti bolagnase with lean beef and homemade marinara

Today my day consisted of meeting with a lady called joy to talk about my dad's website.

Made some cupcakes

and did house stuff and work for my dad. I had to stay in all day to have my blackberry swapped as it's broken. But they didn't come- some technical problem! Very annoyed as I stayed in all day!! It's coming Thursday now- I hope!

Today I have a major sushi craving so might go to Oxford for some Yo Sushi tomorrow :-) Also means I can go to Bravissimo to get a new sports bra and a strapless bra. I love bravissimo- it's a lush bra shop for the bigger boob'd ladies!

Right it's bedtime!!

Jess xx

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Last day of indulgence!

Picture is East Runton beach near Cromer. My fave place :-)

Well the holiday is over and we are in the car on the way back from Cromer. Tomorrow is the start of getting back on the health and fitness wagon big time.

Diet has consisted of meals out, ice cream, wine and cooked breakfast. Dreading my weigh in on Tuesday. I'm thinking of doing slimfast for a week or 2 so my stomach gets used to smaller meals again- anyone got any thoughts on slimfast? I'm not a fan for long term but maybe for a kick start?

The exercise has got to increase. Mix of cross trainer and swimming mainly.

Once we get home this afternoon I have lots of washing and unpacking to do then do a cake order. Phil is straight off to a stag night tonight and tomorrow so I'm home alone. So I think face/hair pack, wine and a thai take out are in order for my last day of indulgence. I also need to sort the meal plan for next week and order the online shop.

What are people doing this weekend?

Jess xx
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Wednesday, 18 August 2010

On holibobs

Hi guys, sorry for not posting. I'm on holiday in Cromer with Phil, my sis, Ryan and Connor. Not had the best weather so far but today the sun is out so beach day!!!!

Eating wise I'm on holiday so not watching points etc so will need to crack down when I get back.

Some people have asked me about my sunlova bike. Well for the price I think it's fab. I wanted an electra beach cruiser but they are a little out of my budget. So I got the sunlova and customised it a bit.

Right I'm off to enjoy the sun!!!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Tuesday, 3 August 2010


Helloooo. Hope everyone is ok?

Busy week this week so not had much time to blog. Been doing lots of PR/marketing work for dad as i'm a jobless bum at the mo! So week has been meeting web designers, updating websites and getting some marketing sorted.

Tuesday evening I met some of the girls for dinner and drinks at a local pub. Some of the girls I hadn't seen for a while but we all met up at my cousin's 30th last weekend so making more of an effort to keep in contact.

Of course I had cupcake orders to do and I had a cupcake class yesterday. Here is a pic of the lovely girl who took the 121 class.
And today I did a kids birthday party.
Me and Phil go on holiday this saturday with my sister, Ryan and little Connor. Cannot wait. We are going to Cromer (UK). We go every year- normally camping but this year we have a caravan. So this week I have lots to get sorted.

Tomorrow shopping with mum for vintage china in charity shops and to get a few holiday clothes. Then muffin has an appointment at the vets for his booster jabs- lucky rabbit!!! :-0

Then rest of the week will be filled with work for dad, cleaning, packing (for holiday), packing (the house), cupcake orders and maybe a little chillout!

I've been rubbish at taking pics of food this weekend but here's a few:

Salmon with jacket (little low fat cheese), sweetcorn, and courgette (zucchini)

Wholemeal pitta with ham, tomato, little hummus and lowfat cheese

Lunch on the go!

Fruit salad

Prawn stirfry