I had an awesome salad form Marks @ Spencer on Sunday. Defo buying that again.
Monday snacks included: apple, 2 ryvita with hummus. Dinner was chicken and veg stirfry
Tuesday snacks included: 2 ryvita with hummus and a small piece of chocolate brownie (not healthy but I made them so had to try :-0) Dinner was spaghetti bolagnase with lean beef and homemade marinara
Today my day consisted of meeting with a lady called joy to talk about my dad's website.
Made some cupcakes
and did house stuff and work for my dad. I had to stay in all day to have my blackberry swapped as it's broken. But they didn't come- some technical problem! Very annoyed as I stayed in all day!! It's coming Thursday now- I hope!
Today I have a major sushi craving so might go to Oxford for some Yo Sushi tomorrow :-) Also means I can go to Bravissimo to get a new sports bra and a strapless bra. I love bravissimo- it's a lush bra shop for the bigger boob'd ladies!
Right it's bedtime!!
Jess xx