Sorry I've been MIA guys. Usual story- cupcakes, day job, business admin etc etc
Hope everyone is ok. The weather is getting depressing now! I just want some sunshine. At least we are going into March when it should perk up a bit and keeping my fingers crossed we may even get a BBQ day in April like we did last year! Here's hoping.
I'm in the middle of setting up another blog. Mainly because I want a blog for my crafts, cupcakes eating, recipes, general life chit chat in one place. I'll keep you posted on what the new bloggy is.
At the moment i'm doing patchworks for the house- doing a cushion, a table cloth and I want to do a nice new patchwork quilt for our bed. I've got some great inspiration from my new favourite blog
Cherry Menlove
Whipped up a batch of my Lemon and Poppy seed muffins tonight. I'm taking them to work (good thing about being a good baker= more friends). However I think I'm going to have one as a treat with a nice cuppa before bedtime.
Anyway here is a little Spring roll recipe for you. N.B frylite is a low cal spray oil.
Healthier Spring rolls- Serves 4
For filling use frylite to fry strips of 100g carrot, 100g cabbage, 1 small red pepper, 100g beansprouts with 100g fresh peeled prawns, 2 tbsp dark soy sauce and 1/4 tsp chinese 5 spice powder. Stir fry for 2 mins then remove from heat and allow to cool slightly.
Cut sheets of filo pastry to size, spray with cooking spray and spoon some filling onto one end. Roll up pastry tucking edges in as you go to form sausage shape. Place spring rolls on baking sheet (line with non stick baking parchment) and cook in oven preheated to Gas mark 5/190 for 10 minutes. I spray mine with frylite before cooking so they crisp up a bit.
Jess xx