Thursday, 24 June 2010

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes

Hi di hi campers, another scorchio day here in Oxfordshire :-)

Started the day with a bowl of cornflakes, to hot for much else at the mo and didn't have anything else in really.

Lunch again I was feeling really hot and couldn't be bothered really to eat anything so I had a smoothie.

I baked some cupcakes ready for my cupcake class tomorrow and then Rach and Cat picked me up at 2pm to go to Milton Keynes shoe shopping. We were looking for bridesmaid shoes. We either want brown or orange to go with our dresses. We must have looked at 100's of shoes but nothing!!! So another trip is to be planned! I did however have a lush caramel lite frapp from starbucks- pure heaven!

Dinner tonight was a carbonara but a bit lower fat. Recipe here from "Cook yourself thin". Love that show, she has some really nice recipes and looks like my all time idol Audrey Hepburn. Her website is here.

Picture of the day is of our gorgeous Molly. if you have time could you please vote for her in an Iams competition, she wins some yummy food if she gets enough votes. Just click here to vote

Right i'm off to cool down and watch Big Brother in bed then a bit of reading. What's everyone reading at the moment? I'm reading "Ask & It's Given: Learning to Manifest the Law of Attraction"

Catch ya laters

Jess xx

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

I'm back!

Sorry guys for not posting for a couple of weeks. As you know from my last post I had an operation to remove my gall bladder. Well shortly after that post I was rushed back to hospital as I had a bile leak. They had cut my bile duct while doing the op. The pain was like nothing I have ever experienced. The doctors have said it's one of the most painful things. So I spent quite a while longer in hospital. But now back home and able to recover properly thank god!! Feeling a lot better but still not allowed to doing any exercise apart from walking. So not sure how it's going to affect weight loss. I did lose 2.5lbs this week though so not too shabby.

I'm going to concentrate on eating well and recovering from my op until I get back doing my workouts.

Weather is amazing here at the moment and looks to be good all week. Me and phil are thinking of going on a picnic at the weekend. Can't wait. Trying to decide on where to go- we could go somewhere pretty close or could do a 2 hour trip to the seaside. Hmmm decisions!

This morning I had Nestle Oats & more honey for breakfast. It's so yummy. It's a bit too hot for oatmeal at the moment.

I then had some raspberries with Rachel's Pouring yoghurt for a mid morning snack. Still loving that ouring yoghurt!

Lunch was 2 poached eggs on seeded bread.

One of my best friends Nat came over to watch the England game with me. Sooo glad we won! Bring on Sunday!!!

I'm loving maxi dresses at the moment. In this hot weather they are great and hide my wobbly bits! I had another one arrive today from It's so comfy. You can see it here.

Tomorrow afternoon me Rach and Cat are going to Milton Keynes shoe shopping! We need to choose some shoes for Cat's wedding. Me and Rach are bridesmaids! So looking forward to a girly day tomorrow :-)

Ok my new crush is Channing Tatum! I saw "Dear John" the other day and I have fallen in love with him, he is soooooooo sexy! Check this fine man out!(Source)

Bedtime reading

Hope everyone is good.

Mucho love

Jess xx

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Feeling Horrid!

On Thursday I had surgery to remove my gall bladder. It should have been day surgery but there was a few complications so I ended up staying in for an extra day.

I'm now at home but feeling horrid, my wounds hurt a bit and feeling sick etc. To be expected I suppose. So apologies if I don't post regularly this week. Plus It's not really a good time to blog about healthy eating as in the past 4 days I have eaten: half a turkey sandwich, 1 yogurt, 1 weetabix, a few spoons of oatmeal, slice of toast and a small bit of lasagne my nan made which did not stay down!

I'm currently looking all over the internet for foods to eat after my surgery but not finding much so if anyone has any links or info please let me know.

I've asked Phil to pick up some soups and rice milk from the supermarket oh and some apple sauce baby food. I'm finding it hard to eat at the moment but It's been stressed I need to keep fuelled so my body can recover and heal.

Hoping in a day or 2 I'll feel a lot better. Hate being stuck in bed!!!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010


So sorry for not posting for a little while. Just been a bit busy which is no excuse!

Good news is I lost 2lb this week. Had my weigh in last night and I was really surprised as wasn't expecting to lose any. Need to get back on track with the exercise!

Today for breakie I had Nestle Honey Oats & More- they are so so yummy. My new fave cereal!

Was really busy with work today. I have a project going live this week and it's been throwing all sort of problems out so it'snot been fun. Also today was a massive disappointment as this Thursday I'm due for an operation. I've been told I need 2 weeks off and then I can work from home for a number of weeks after that. But I only have 8 days paid sick days left as i've not been at the company for a year. I was told by my boss originally I could book the 2nd week as holiday but now she is saying she can't. Me and Phil have had a lot of money problems for the past 18 months with losing jobs etc so my salary basically keeps us afloat. I can't afford not to be paid. So I told my boss I have no option but to return to work (from home) after a week. God knows how i'll feel. I just really want a job that I love :-(

Anyway doom and gloom over!

Lunch was a souper affair :-)

Then more work :-(

After working I made some walnut and carrot bread, was really nice. You can find the easy recipe here. I had a piece dipped in balsamic vinegar :-) and then another slice with honey :-)

Dinner I made a morroccan lamb tagine with cous cous, really yummy dinner.

I went to Rachel's house while Phil was at football practice. We are planning Cat's hen do so had lots of fun putting the goody bags together!!

Now i'm in bed after a stressful day and praying for that lottery win again so I can leave the stinky job and focus on my cake business!

Ok the pics for today are of our 2 house rabbits Muffin (black & white) and Poppy (white). Cuteness!

Ok question for today: If you could do any job in the world what would you do? Mine would be running a little animal shelter for rabbits and small pets. Love those little critters! Poppy was from a rescue home and there are so many pets just left unwanted by owners :-(