Started the day with a bowl of cornflakes, to hot for much else at the mo and didn't have anything else in really.
Lunch again I was feeling really hot and couldn't be bothered really to eat anything so I had a smoothie.
I baked some cupcakes ready for my cupcake class tomorrow and then Rach and Cat picked me up at 2pm to go to Milton Keynes shoe shopping. We were looking for bridesmaid shoes. We either want brown or orange to go with our dresses. We must have looked at 100's of shoes but nothing!!! So another trip is to be planned! I did however have a lush caramel lite frapp from starbucks- pure heaven!
Dinner tonight was a carbonara but a bit lower fat. Recipe here from "Cook yourself thin". Love that show, she has some really nice recipes and looks like my all time idol Audrey Hepburn. Her website is here.
Picture of the day is of our gorgeous Molly. if you have time could you please vote for her in an Iams competition, she wins some yummy food if she gets enough votes. Just click here to vote
Right i'm off to cool down and watch Big Brother in bed then a bit of reading. What's everyone reading at the moment? I'm reading "Ask & It's Given: Learning to Manifest the Law of Attraction"
Catch ya laters
Jess xx