So sorry for not posting for ages, been a mad few weeks. Been made redundant from my job which was a bit of a shock, I only got made redundant July 08 so not that long!! However on my garden leave (getting paid) and start a new job in Oct.
Weightwise i have fallen off the wagon for just over a week so after this weekend need to get back on. It's through not planning, i always fall down if i don't plan! Phil also has put on a couple of pounds from us not tracking. Fresh start Monday.
How is everyone else getting on? Hope people are losing weight.
I still need to get into doing exercise, why am I so lazy???? I'd love it to come naturally! Asi'm off work until the end of Oct i'm going to set a goal that i exercise for 15 mins twice a week. I know it sounds very little but i need it to be something i can do.
My next Weight loss goal i'm setting is to lose half stone by the time I start my new job on 26th Oct.
Right I need to get ordering the online shopping and planning next weeks meals.
Good luck everyone xx