Wednesday 22 September 2010

Wedding preparations


How's everyone's day been?

Mines been ok. Pic of last nights dinner: wholemeal chicken wrap with salad and parmasan sweet potato fries :-)

Breakfast this morning was a breakfast buritto. Filled with 3 scrambled egg whites and 2 rashers of sliced bacon (fat removed) and a splosh of tabasco. Yum.

I then went to the supermarket for baking supplies. Cupcakes made today where white chocolate and raspberry cupcakes and apple and blackberry cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. Foodgasmic. Defo going to the top of the flavours list.

Mum popped round to see the house and I then took some cuppies to my nan. She is one of my chief tasters along with Phil :-)

I skipped lunch- I know, don't know how it happened. Before I knew it, it was 5pm!!! My sis, Ryan, connor and my bro and his girlfriend popped round and then when phil got home I cracked on with dinner: pad thai ( with brown rice noodles).

Then a nice long soak in the bath. Major shaving, exfoliating and moisturing done! Having a spray tan tomorrow for my best friends wedding on saturday. I'm bridesmaid so I'm nervous too! We are going to the hotel friday and coming back sunday. It should be a fantastic weekend.

I lost 2.5lbs this week. Yay! I've had a bit of a slow couple of months- totally my fault. But getting my mojo back.

The other pic is of Daisy exploring our new garden!!! I won't tell you the story of her falling in the pond yesterday....

Right bed time!

Jess xx
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1 comment:

  1. Great loss - well done!

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend - I love weddings :-)

